- No categories
- AlfaAlfa
- Barley
- Chick peas
- Corn
- Flaxseeds
- Lentils (green, red)
- Lupinseeds
- Malting barley
- Millet
- Mustardseeds
- Oats
- Peas (yellow, green)
- Rapeseeds
- RSM/Cake
- Rye
- Sorghum
- Soybeans
- Sunseeds
- Wheat
- Альфальфа
- Горох (желтый, зеленый)
- Горчица
- Кориандр
- Кукуруза
- Лен
- Люпин
- Нут
- Овес
- Подсолнечный шрот/Подсолнечный жмых
- Просо
- Пшеница
- Пшеничные отруби пеллетированные
- Рапс
- Рапсовый шрот/Рапсовый жмых
- Рожь
- Сoriander
- Семечка подсолнуха
- Соевый шрот россыпь/Соевый шрот пеллетированный
- Сорго
- Соя
- Сырое подсолнечное масло / Рафинированное подсолнечное масло
- Сырое рапсовое масло/ Сырое рафинированное рапсовое масло
- Сырое соевое масло / Рафинированное соевое масло
- Чечевица (зел., красн.)
- Ячмень
- Ячмень пивоваренный
Maxigrain is a family business agri-brokerage company with partners across the globe. Since our creation, we have accumulated wide experience in brokerage of grains, oilseeds, pulses, oils and by-products, both in containers and in bulk. We are operating around 1 Million metric tons of cargoes per year.
As broker of leading suppliers of grains and meals, we operate responsibly with high standards of integrity to build greater efficiency, improve security of supply and create long term value for our partners.
Quality of goods and delivery terms are guaranteed by the world known companies we cooperate with.
Besides solving business tasks, the company focuses on creation of attractive and prestigious working environment. We consider it our responsibility to be the best in what we do. We attract the best specialists in their field.
Our company is able to attract, support and motivate its staff through a structured corporate culture, well-thought-out remuneration system and the opportunity to constantly develop in a dynamic business environment.
We introduce new ideas and possibilities, helping our customers to develop new markets and create new logistic chains, and that’s how WE INSPIRE YOUR TRADE!
We in Press
May 26, 2021: Supercycle in grain market weighs on production costs
May 7, 2021: The grain market continues its inertial movement in an upward trend. Insignificant precipitation in the East of the USA and in Brazil did not reduce the degree of bulls’ mood, but as the release date of the May WASDE report approaches, the behavior of players on the stock exchange becomes more cautious
March 29, 2021: History teaches us that China is good at trading and fighting. The trade agreement, ASF (African Swine Fever) and coronavirus have launched a rally in the raw materials market. And it is not going to stop yet.
November 26, 2020: Chinese big stomach to let Kazakhstan in its market
July 13 2020: Elena Neroba, Business Development Manager of Maxigrain: 'A new grain year has begun. It carries fewer risks of the coronavirus – the business is used to working in a new reality. Harvesting campaign in the Black Sea and US is in full swing, and trade depends on estimates of production, harvesting rates, and crop quality. Russia harvested more than 3 MMT of grain, Ukraine – more than …
Our team leans on experience in freight brokerage, forwarding, marine agency, logistics in Ukraine and EU
We speak 9 languages
We help our clients to open and develop new markets for their goods
We work with wide range of transport delivery schemes, from truck and container to Panamax type vessels
Maxigrain is
Partners in more than 30 countries
1 mln
Over 1 mln tons of cargo carried annually
Successfully executed contracts
Our goods

We are cooperating with a lot of first-class buyers and suppliers of agricultural products around the world.









Ready tp find out more?
Drop us a line today for a free quote!
Call us:
+ 38 (048) 788-73-69

© 2018-2020 Maxigrain